We offer a range of workshops to ensure that your board and staff are educated, eager advocates for your brand. Each workshop is tailored to meet the specific needs of the organization we're working with.

What is a Brand… and why does it matter for nonprofit organizations?

When you say “brand” does your board think “logo?” This workshop discusses the four components of a strong brand—messaging, visual identity, experience, and communications—and the crucial role they play in the creation and management of a compelling brand.

One Brand—Many Audiences: Creating a compelling message hierarchy.

It's crucial for an organization to communicate a consistent master brand message, but the needs and expectations of your audience segments vary. This workshop focuses on understanding your audiences, then developing secondary messages that allow you to effectively communicate what’s most compelling to each of them.

Amplify Your Brand: Engaging staff and volunteers as brand ambassadors.

Building a brand is about making a promise, then delivering consistently on that promise. It's crucial that your staff and volunteers understand and buy into the brand promise in order to do their best work and serve as the face of your organization. In this workshop you'll identify your brand promise, then learn how to cultivate informed and enthusiastic brand ambassadors.

Effective Marketing Communications on a Shoestring. Seriously.

Let’s face it, no nonprofit organization ever has enough marketing communications resources. But there are a number of practical, cost-effective tools and tactics that every organization can and should use to build awareness, generate interest, and fuel engagement.

We Hate Our Name (but we’re really afraid to change it).

Too many times, boards and leadership teams hang on to an outdated or outgrown name because no one can think of a better option. In this workshop, we discuss how to evaluate whether you need a name change, and the process for developing a stronger, more appropriate name.

Looking for an engaging speaker for a conference? Want an outside expert to facilitate a branding or marketing conversation that you just can’t seem to resolve on your own? Contact us hello@caravanbrandpartners.com